Gainesville, VA Tile Flooring Installation Experts


Tile flooring has a host of benefits and is a popular option for many reasons. These include longevity, hypoallergenic reasons, 'green' features, and ease of maintenance.

Properly installed floor tiles will last a lifetime and won't need to be replaced like other flooring options. This means that once you've made the initial investment, you won't need to put any more money into your floors; just years of enjoyment ahead!

Tile is a popular choice with those who have asthma or allergies to dust and other particles. Carpet tends to hold onto dust much more easily than tile which is inhospitable to dust mites, as well as mold, germs, and other bacteria. Smooth-finish tiles are one of the most hypoallergenic flooring choices available.

Ceramic tile, porcelain tile, and stone tile are all environmentally-friendly types of flooring. They can usually be made locally rather than having to be shipped from far away, thereby reducing energy consumption. Less waste is produced in their production than other flooring types. And they are zero VOC; that is, they produce zero volatile organic compounds which are known to contribute to poor indoor air quality and may even cause adverse health issues. Other flooring types may be low-VOC but tile is the only true zero-VOC option.

Tile floors are very easy to clean and maintain, requiring only a simply sweeping and mopping, with no strong chemicals or special cleaners needed.


Types of Tile Flooring


Ceramic Tile Flooring

Ceramic tiles are made out of clay that is shaped and fired. They are available as glazed or unglazed.

Ceramic floor tiles give homeowners a more affordable option when installing tile floors, as ceramic tiles cost sixty percent less than porcelain tiles. Ceramic tile is easy to clean and requires minimal maintenance. Because ceramic is a natural material, it won't hold onto bacteria, odour and allergens.

Porcelaine Tile Flooring

Porcelain tile is made of a clay mixture with heat and pressure to create a tile that is much harder, denser and less porous than ceramic tile. Porcelain floor tiles have a lower water absorption rate making this tile a great choice for exterior and commercial applications. It comes in many different options of texture and finish. It is able to withstand any climate and durable enough for high-traffic areas and high moisture areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Stone Floor Tiles

Stone floor tiles include such options as slate, granite, limestone, travertine and marble. Most natural stone tiles are porous which means they need to be sealed to prevent staining and to keep from absorbing too much water especially in kitchens and bathrooms where water is plentiful.

The most popular flooring tiles are large format styles that give fewer grout lines and make a small room appear larger. Squares are the most popular shape, but other shapes such as rectangles, hexagons and octagons can make a stunning statement. You can also incorporate multiple styles to create a variety of patterns, adding visual interest.


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